A Social Movement Transforming the World
It Starts With Us.
Awakening to Our Interconnectedness
The Holomovement is a social movement that awakens us to our interconnectedness, igniting a critical mass of collaborative action serving the good of the whole.
Guided by science and spirituality, this unifying movement is catalyzing a massive shift in human consciousness.

We are a global community of innovators, change-makers, compassionate individuals, businesses and nonprofits drawn to creating a better world. The Holomovement is ALL OF US.
While there are stewards supporting the movement, there are no boards or governing bodies holding ownership of the Holomovement itself.
The Holomovement is an experiment in joyful collaboration--a named space for coalition and shared collective wisdom--rather than a non-profit or organizational entity.
With Us
The Holomovement
Theory of Change
Change is set into motion through Holons, groups of three or more, dedicated to a transformative project.
This includes groups of individuals, new or existing organizations and networks. This collaborative network of Holons is an expansive, creative ecosystem accelerating humanity's highest potential.
Projects of all scopes are valued in the Holon community. A few examples include:
- Meditation or Interspiritual Prayer Circles.
- Community park, beach or trail hike clean-ups.
- Regenerative farming or permaculture projects.
- Mentorship programs or other nonprofit organizational work.
- Educational programs for children or vulnerable communities.
This is a journey from "me," to "we," to "all as one.”
Read the "Theory of Change" Paper Now
Wisdom traditions have always known it to be true, and now science confirms: Everything is Connected.

Coined by American physicist David Bohm, a contemporary of Einstein, 'holomovement' defines our Universe as a living, interconnected whole.
In 2022, Nobel prize-winning physicists further validated this concept of universal Oneness, bridging ancient spiritual wisdom with modern science.
This worldview of Oneness, or interconnectedness, has the potential to change human behavior on a massive scale.
The Holomovement's 8 Unifying Principles
Be part of a Collective Vision of Change Aligning Your Unique Gifts with the Holomovement's Unifying Values
Interconnected Wholeness.
Our cosmos is a single, living process, profoundly interconnected and sacred in its Oneness.
A Conscious Living Universe.
The universe arises from a dynamic source of consciousness, giving meaning to our interconnected wholeness.
Purposeful Evolution.
Oneness is evolutionary in its conscious awareness of existence, engaging in a purposeful evolution of its own nature.
Wholesomeness as Our Natural State of Being.
Individual beings and social and cultural systems tend to be attracted to health, wholeness and the mutual flourishing of life and consciousness.
A Self-Healing Cosmos.
Our existential civilizational Meta-Crisis is naturally coinciding with a widespread awakening of social projects, analogous to an immune response to propel our ongoing evolution.
Embodying the Holomovement.
David Bohm’s term “holomovement” describes how undivided wholeness is expressed in every seemingly separate entity, event and action and representative of the diverse sociocultural movement of our time.
Unity in Action.
The Holomovement amplifies the pull of collaborative coherence that simultaneously awakens individual purpose to best serve the good of the whole.
Self-sustaining Development of Unity Consciousness.
A positive feedback loop arises in the development of individual consciousness as it gains an intuitive understanding of a self-reinforced unity consciousness.

Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity
In this exciting book, thought leaders share the science and spirit of how our interconnection can serve our global family and change the world in this inspiring anthology.
Explore evidence-based understanding and inspirational accounts of the living universe and our integral place in its evolution. In this grand unfolding toward ever greater levels of interdependence, you will better understand how your own purpose in the evolutionary process is critical to this movement.
Find inspiration in this anthology to actively support the wholeness in motion around us, integrating your unique gifts and the Holomovement’s unifying values into a collective story of our time that serves the greatest good.